Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Yummy in my tummy>>>Dolcini Desserts

My friend and I went to Olive Garden few days ago and we tried this delicious (oh my my!) dessert- Dolcini- there were three little treats layered with cake mousse and pastry creams. 

We had option to pick three flavors and we picked Chocolate Mousse, Strawberry & White Chocolate, and Tiramisu. Dessert Heaven!!

I loved all three flavors but if I have to pick a favorite I'll go with Strawberry & White Chocolate. It had a great flavor with right amount of sugar and fresh berries added extra flavor to the dessert. 

#nomnom Even though, both me and my friend were so full but we happily managed to finish the dessert. 

I wanted to order more, but if I had consume more sugar that night I wouldn't have able to sleep. 

I so want to go back soon just to have this dessert. 

Alright sugars later!

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